How Coaching Firms Can Keep Their Clients Engaged

January 13, 2018 | BY Greg Ausley


At, a leading coaching software platform designed for coaches to track goals and accountability with their clients, we are often asked for tips on keeping your clients engaged after they sign-up for coaching, but before the initial coaching session.  When your clients sign up, they are full of positive energy and ready to take action immediately.  However, with too much time in between sign-up and the initial coaching session, their energy could easily diminish. 

At CoachSimple, we encourage our coaches to create engaging automated on-boarding programs that are pre-configured with administrative items such as client information forms, but is also packed with thought-provoking resources such as welcome e-mails, inspirational videos, goal setting exercises and other informative documents and web links that will keep your clients engaged right from the start. 

When your clients sign up, you should immediately assign them the on-boarding program so they can participate right away.  Setup properly, this program will automatically send them an energetic welcome e-mail explaining how your coaching program works.  Additionally, it should continue to provide daily action items with links to powerful resources so your client can get started prior to your first coaching session.  If done correctly, your automated coaching program acts as a "virtual coach", saving you time while getting your clients in the habbit of checking-in electronically, keeping them engaged while saving you valuable time.

We invite you to take a look at coaching software in order to better engage your coaching clients at the start of your coaching programs and take advantage of that initial enthusiasm and excitement for your coaching services.

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